Oct 29, 2023 [v1.2.15]
This release contains​
Added Document type to documents, ex: lesson image, lesson video, lesson hymn, curriculum image, curriculum video, unit image, unit video, printables, downloadables, …
Implemented some UI/UX modifications on lesson screens.
Changed unit number to numerical form instead of roman numbers.
Sept 8, 2023 [v1.2.14]
This release contains​
Implemented User Experience improvements to engage users.
Updated Unit Structure to make unit description an optional field.
Fixed login bug on windows when using remember me feature.
Enhanced Lesson Structure and applied some optimizations for the lesson objectives section.
Aug 25, 2023 [v1.2.13]
This release contains​
Introduced new personalized dashboard view with customized analytics insights.
Implemented UI/UX improvements to engage users.
Curriculum not Curricula.
Lose the ’s from headings.
Curriculum Grade not title in head.
Fixing Compatibility issues on Windows OS.
July 14, 2023 [v1.1.9]
This release contains
Added seasonal lesson type option (normal, seasonal, review lesson).
Added deep links for the curricula, units and lessons.
Created Media Center to link documents and files to curricula, units, and lessons.
Created Focus mode to disable accidental exits and losing of un-saved data.In this Version.
Enhanced async operations on curricula, units, and lessons.
Disabled require on some fields in add lesson view.
Merged the Verse and Verse Reference fields into one field.
May 29, 2023 [v1.0.7]
This release contains
Implemented some UX modifications.
Implemented Lessons Module.
May 19, 2023 [v1.0.6]
This release contains
Fixed some stability issues.
Implemented some UX modifications.
April 25, 2023 [v1.0.5]
This release contains
Fixed some stability issues.
April 15, 2023 [v1.0.4]
This release contains
Added curriculum units, alongside with its CRUD operations (Add, Edit, Delete).
Fixing some stability issues.
April 1, 2023 [v1.0.3]
This release contains
Fixes to curriculum form and reorder fields, make optional fields:
Curriculum methods of teaching
Curriculum Characteristics
Enable curriculum order by grade name in list view.
Fixes to make the app work better with older versions.
Added upgrade app notice on dashboard start.
March 25, 2023 [v1.0.2]
This release contains
Implementation of a new Curriculum card design with a simplified view.
Implementation of editing functionality in the Curricula module.
Enhancing login functionality by implementing remember me and reset password functionalities.
March 20, 2023 [v1.0.1]
This release contains
Implementation of a new Curriculum structure with a detailed view of updated requirements.
Fixing curriculum typos, and app Flow optimization with instruction paragraphs.
App Icons variation implementation.